Judge John W. Akin |
The Cartersville News |
Cartersville, Georgia |
October 17, 1907, Page 4 |
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Judge John W. Akin Is Seriously Ill. Before this paper reaches its readers it is very likely that Hon. John W. Akin, Bartow’s able jurist and statesman and president of the Georgia senate, will have passed away. He lies dangerously ill at his home at the News going to press hour and his relatives and friends have given up all hopes of his recovery. Judge Akin’s first sickness dates back about four years when he had a stoke of apoplexy. He seemed to have almost fully rallied from the attack and was quite his former self physically, so that accepting the call from the people to the place of state senator and being elected with a flattering vote, he aspired to the presidency of the senate and won that position with ease, his ability and great energies standing him in fine stead before the members of that body. Later. – The News being belated in going to press, learns at the last moment of Judge Akin’s death and also that of his mother, Mrs. Mary Akin. ******************** October 24, 1907 Death Claims Judge Akin and Mother Hon. John W. Akin, jurist, author and statesman, passed away at his home in this city, last Friday morning, at 8:30 o’clock. Mrs. Akin was the widow of the late Col. Warren Akin, who was during his life one of Georgia’s most distinguished citizens. He was a lawyer of ability and was also a local Methodist minister. He was a member of the confederate congress during and was the author of the measure changing the name of Cass county to Bartow and the town of Cassville to that of Manassas. Col. Akin was a candidate for governor on the whig ticket, opposing Joseph E. Brown, democrat, in 1859. Mrs. Akin was originally Miss Mary Verdery, of Augusta. She was 77 years of age, being born in the year 1830. Surviving her are the following children: T. Warren Akin, who holds a position of in the law division of the interior department at Washington, D. C.; Mrs. Verdery A. Erwin of North Yakima, Washington; Miss Sallie Mae Akin, Mr. William E. Akin and Mr. Paul F. Akin, of Cartersville. Mrs. Akin was a woman of superior intellectual attainments, was an engaging conversationalist and a most lovely character. She readily made friends of all who knew her. The soft influence of her pure, Christian life will linger as an inspiration to her acquaintances long after her passing away. The funeral occurred from the Presbyterian church Sunday morning, Dr. R. B. Bigham officiating. Dr. Bigham pronounced a fine eulogy to Mrs. Akin, commending her beautiful life as an example for all. There was a large assemblage of people at the church, the edifice being filled to its capacities. The remains were carried to Cassville for interment. That Judge Akin and his mother should have died within so short a time of each other was singular and what was singular again was the fact that Judge Akin’s death should have occurred on the anniversary of the funeral of the lamented evangelist, Rev. Sam Jones. [Article continues. Most of the first page of this issue is devoted to the life and death of Judge Akin. He was born June 10, 1859 in Cassville and was 49 years old at his death. “After the eulogies, the body was taken to the cemetery and interred with Masonic honors.”] |
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