Mr. Dugas Bradley

The Cartersville Express Newspaper
Cartersville, Georgia
October 14, 1880 Page 3:
Transcribed and submitted by: 

A Sad Death.

We are grieved to state that just as we are going to press a sad, heartrending accident occurred in Mr. John Harwell’s shop on West Main street, Mr. Dugas Bradley, who lived near this place, had carried a pistol into the shop to have a mainspring put in it. And while Mr. Harwell was working on the pistol, not knowing it was loaded, it fired, the ball entering Mr. Bradley’s left breast just above the nipple, Mr. Bradley exclaimed, “you have shot me through the heart and have killed me.” He then turned, walked four or five steps, fell, and died in a few minutes without speaking another word. We knew Mr. Bradley well, he was our friend, faithful and true, and we drop a tear to his memory.

The deceased was about thirty years of age. He was a good citizen, a kind and affectionate husband and father, and a consistent member of the Baptist church. He leaves a loving wife and three little children and a host of relatives and friends to mourn his sad and untimely death. May God receive his spirit, bless his widow and orphans, and finally reunite them in that better world beyond the river of death, where there will be no more parting.


The Cartersville Free Press Newspaper
October 14, 1880 Page 3:

Accidentally Killed.

Mr. Dugas Bradley Accidentally Shot by Mr. John F. Harwell.

[see Cartersville Express of same date]


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