Juliette Johnson Butts Bryant

Bartow/ Green County Georgia Obit
Submitted by Patricia Colbert pogosbill@aol.com

This is the obituary of Juliette Johnson Butts Bryant. She is assumed born in Greene County, GA. That is where she married her first husband Joel W. Butts. It is assumed that he died and she married again before 1860 to C.W.A. Bryant. She died on April 20, 1882 in Bartow County, near Cartersville.

The following appeared as an obituary in the Christian Index 7-6-1882 page 10, col 3

Bryant--Departed this life at her home near Cartersville, Bartow County GA, on the morning of April 20, 1882, Mrs. Juliette M. Bryant, in the fifty sixth year of her age. She was born in Greene County, GA on April 24th 1824. Her maiden name was Johnson. At the early age of fourteen she professed religion and joined the Baptist church at Shiloh, near Penfield, Greene County: was baptized by Rev. John Harris.

She was first married to Mr. Butts. Her second husband Mr. C. W. A. Bryant still survives her. Together with her husband she leaves two devoted daughters to mourn her loss. It is fortunate when called to leave this world, to leave behind so many fond friends and so lovely a charachter as our deceased sister. Although her husband was well off in this world's goods, she was so active and energetic that she engaged in teaching school up to the day previous to her death.

Her departure was sudden, without warnin! g to her surrounding family, her disease being that of the heart. As a wife she was attentive, kind, considerate and was truly a help-meet. As a mother I feel my utter incompetency to express her worth. But her children will bear testimony to her parental faithfulness and in that great day, children and grandchildren will rise up and call her blessed. As a friend she was true and confiding, free from flattery and ostentation, but firm in her principles of right. And, while we grieve to give her up, yet we mourn not as those without hope. We have no fears but that with her all is well. Calm and peaceful were her expiring moments, and now she sleeps in Jesus. Life gently ebbed away and her spirit triumphantly winged its way from earth to its home in heaven, and she has joined the grand chorus of the redeemed, where she is now freed from all suffering and care.

Thou art gone to the grave, but we will not deplore thee: Since God was thy Ranson, thy Guardian, thy Guide; He gave thee, he took thee, and he will restore thee: And death has no sting since the Saviour hath died. A Friend.

Table of Contents page: http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/ga/bartow.htm
Georgia Table of Contents: http://www.rootsweb.com/~usgenweb/ga/gafiles.htm

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