Mrs. Lila Land Chunn

The Bartow Tribune
Cartersville, Georgia

April 26, 1923

Transcribed and submitted by:  Website

Beloved Woman Buried Tuesday at Cassville
Mrs. William A. Chunn Died Early Monday Morning—Funeral Largely Attended

After suffering only a short time from a stroke of paralysis, which came upon her four weeks ago, Mrs. Lila Land Chunn, 82 years old, widow of the late William A. Chunn, passed away at the family homestead in Cassville Monday morning at 8 o’clock.

Funeral services, which were largely attended, were held Tuesday morning at the Methodist church in Cassville, Rev. William A. Simmons conducting them. Interment followed immediately afterwards in the Cassville cemetery, Messrs. J.B. Crawford, J.L. Milhollin, J.C. McTier, W.D. Pittard, F.M. Walton and H.W. Henderson, all life-long friends of the deceased, serving as pall-bearers. The impressive arrangements were in charge of G.M. Jackson & Sons, of Cartersville.

Surviving are three daughters and three sons. They are Mrs. W.A. Gilbert of Cassville, Mrs. A.J. Conyers of Athens, and Miss Gertie Chunn, of  Cassville; Messrs. E.L. Chunn, of Cassville, F.L. Chunn, of Henderson, N.C., and W.B. Chunn, of Cassville. Another daughter, Mrs. R.H. Garwood, died several years ago, the mother of Mrs. W.L. Bennett of Trion, Ga.
Four sisters also survive Mrs. Chunn. They are Mrs. H.F. Land of Vienna, Ga.; Mrs. C.F. Price of Charlotte, N.C., and Misses Hattie and Temple Land of Cassville. Her husband died about two years ago, after they had lived happily together for more than sixty years.

A native of Twiggs County, the deceased moved with her parents to Cassville before the war, and as a young woman, she attended Cassville Female College. At her death, she was one of the very few surviving graduates of this famous old institution.

When quite young, Mrs. Chunn united with the Methodist church, and throughout her long life, she was a faithful and consistent member, ever striving to walk in the footsteps of Her Master and doing His biding (sic).

In the loss of “Mother,” the sons and daughters have the deepest sympathy of their host of friends, the Tribune-News desiring to join in extending condolence.


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