Dr. J. W. Curry

The Cartersville Express
Cartersville, Georgia
February 24, 1870, page 3
Transcribed by:  

We regret to record the death of two of our most estimable citizens, during the past week—Jesse Baker, of Pine Log District, who was accidentally killed by a fall from his horse, and Dr. J. W. Curry of this place, who died on Tuesday morning last, after a long and severe spell of sickness.


March 10, 1870
Page 3

During the past month we have been called upon to chronicle the death of several on the most prominent and esteemed citizens of this county, among whom were Jesse Baker, Dr, J. W. Curry, and F. A. Huson.  We are again required to add to that list Madison McMurray and Nathan Howard, who have died with in the last week.—The former was for many years before the war, a citizen and merchant of Cassville, in this county.  The latter was one of, if not the very first, citizen who settled in Cartersville.  Thus, we see, our old citizens are rapidly passing away.  The few who are still left behind, will tarry with us but for a night, and they, too, will be gone.—Even their children’s locks are beginning to whiten for the tomb, who, but a few short years since, were sporting, frolicsome school boys and girls, In our best estate, we are but vanity.


Cassville Lodge, No. 136,
F. & A. Masons,
March the 5th, 1870.

On motion, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Whereas the Supreme Architect above has seen proper, in his Wisdom, to remove from us, our worthy brother, J. W. Curry.
Resolved, That in the death of brother Curry, we have lost a friend and brother whose place it will be difficult to supply.
Resolved, That this Lodge heartily sympathize with the family and friends of the deceased, and we tender them our heartfelt condolence in their sad bereavement.
Resolved, That the members of this Lodge wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days.
Resolved, That the Secretary have these resolutions published in the Cartersville Express, and furnish a copy to the family of the deceased.

John R. Adams, W. M.
A. A. Vincent, Sect’y.


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