Bessie Greenwood |
The Free Press |
Cartersville, Georgia |
July 28, 1881, page 3
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Obituary Notice. Died, on July 22nd, 1881, after a brief illness of inflammation of the brain, Bessie, infant daughter of Alfred and Ella Greenwood. She was born June 19th, 1880, and thus she was just at that interesting stage when her parents were watching, with delighted attentiveness, first budding of intelligence, and the gradual unfolding of the sweet attractions of childhood. But, though death has robbed them of their treasure for a while, “they sorrow not as those without hope,” for it is the Lord who has removed the jewel to a setting in His own crown. In mercy the loving Master has prevented the bitter trials and sorrows of the earthly life, by an early translation of the joys above.---A Friend. |
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