Col. J. W. Harris, Sr.

The Courant American Newspaper
Cartersville, Georgia
November 26, 1896, Page 1
Transcribed and submitted by: 

Col. J. W. Harris, Sr.
Death of This Prominent and Esteemed Citizen.
Enfeebled for Three Years.
Brief Sketch of His Life – Funeral Conducted by Dr. W. F. Glenn. Largely attended.

Col. J. W. Harris, Sr., died at his home, in this city, on Thursday last, about 12:30 o’clock. His death was a result of paralysis, with which he was attacked three years ago and although he was able to be wheeled in a chair and even go on the street thus occasionally of mild days, he never regained his wonted health. His death was very peaceful.

The death of Col. Harris removes one of Cartersville’s oldest and most prominent citizens. He was in his eighty-fifth year. He was a refined, cultured and dignified gentleman of the old school, and came of an illustrious family. He was born in Putnam county. He was the son of Judge Stephan Willis Harris. He graduated at the State University at Athens, then called Franklin college, taking first honor in his class. His first wife was Miss Hamilton, of Clark county. Two children of this union, Col. J. W. Harris, Jr., and Mrs. T. W. Milner, of this city, survive him.

Col. Harris was a lawyer by profession and at one time was the solicitor general of the Western circuit. He ran for congress once on the whig ticket against Howell Cobb, and only missed election slightly.

Col. Harris moved to Bartow county, then Cass, in the fall of 1852. He resided on his large plantation on the Etowah river, but moved to Cartersville after the war and practiced his profession. His second marriage was to Miss Florence Candler, who survives him. She is a sister of Hon. Milton Rev. Warren, Judge John and Mr. Asa Candler.

In the seventies when independentism was sweeping the seventh district, Col. Harris took a great interest in politics. He was a thorough organized democrat and forceful and was a factor in redeeming the district.

Col. Harris was a minister of the gospel of the Methodist denomination and though not belonging to the conference received appointments to preach. He was largely instrumental in building the present Methodist church structure.

The funeral of Col. Harris occurred at the Methodist church Saturday morning. A number of relatives of the family came from other points and the people turned out in large force to do honor to the memory of one who was esteemed in the community. The church was filled with people.

The funeral procession left the home on Main street at 10:50. First came the members of the board then the hearse. The carriage containing the pall bearers then followed. They were as follows: Dr. W. I. Benham, Rev. J. T. Norris, Col. R. W. Murphy, Messrs. P. L. Moon, W. H. Howard and R. A. Clayton; carriages containing the relatives and friends came next, and then the pupils of West End Institute.

Rev. W. H. Patterson opened the services at the church by reading a lesson and was then followed by Rev. John T. Norris. Then came a prayer by Rev. Dr. W. F. Glenn, of Atlanta; a hymn was sung by the choir and Dr. Glenn took his text from Psalms exii, 5-6: “A good man showeth favor and leadeth; he will guide his affairs with discretion; surely he will not be moved forever; the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.”

Dr. Glenn beautifully and touchingly, spoke of Col. Harris’ life and character. His own father had been Col. Harris friend, and when he met him it was like meeting an old friend.

Rev. J. T. Norris followed Dr. Glenn in a touching tribute to the deceased.

The church services over, and the remains were borne to Oak Hill, where they were laid to rest. Rev. Charles Jarrell read the burial service.


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