Mrs. Sarah Howard

The Courant American Newspaper
Cartersville, Georgia
April 16, 1896, Page 8
Transcribed and submitted by: 


Mrs. Howard Dead.

Passes Away at a Ripe Old Age—One of the Earliest Settlers.

Mrs. Sarah Howard died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Edwards, in this city, yesterday morning at 3 o’clock, of dropsy and other complications, which rendered her practically an invalid for several years past. She was about 76 years of age.

Mrs. Howard was one of the earliest settlers of Cartersville. In fact, with her husband, she moved here before there was a town, and witnessed the first embryo stages of development through which the town passed a half century ago.

Her husband was Mr. Nathan Howard, who preceded her in death about 25 years ago. She leaves four children, Mr. John Howard and Mrs. W. C. Edwards, of this city, and Mrs. Laura Foote and Mrs. B. R. Mountcastle, of Atlanta. Two brothers survive her, Mr. John Callahan of this city, and Mr. Harrison Callahan, of Spaulding county, and Mr. I. T. Callahan, of Calhoun, and one sister, Mrs. Brevard, of this city.

She was a member of the Methodist church with which she became connected in early life. Her life was exemplary and she died with every assurance of a peaceful immortality. Her remains will be interred today at the Oak Hill cemetery at 10 o’clock. The funeral services will be conducted from the Methodist church.


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