Death of Miss Loula Thompson. |
The Cartersville Free Press Newspaper |
Cartersville, Georgia |
September 1, 1881 Page 3: |
Transcribed and submitted by: |
Death of Miss Loula Thompson. The telegraphic news of the death of this most estimable young lady on Friday morning created universal sadness in this community. She died in Rome, at the residence of her father, Capt. J. A. Thompson at 6 o’clock Thursday evening, after an illness of three weeks, in the 20th year of her age. Her death is all the more sad because she was the only child of her parents. She bore her affliction with patience and begged her father and mother not to weep for her. Her chief desire to live was for her parents, though she was resigned to the will of providence. While in her most delirious moments if she saw her parents weeping her mind would clear away and she would beg that they not weep for her. Miss Loula was a most amiable young lady and was a favorite with her acquaintances. Her remains were brought to Cartersville, her old home, and were laid away at Oak Hill cemetery, Rev. T. E. Smith, of the Presbyterian church, officiating. It is needless for us to say that the bereaved father and mother have the sympathies of this community in their sadness and sorrow, but words cannot assuage the grief of stricken hearts on such an occasion as this. |
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