Mrs. Elizabeth Upshaw |
The Standard |
Cassville, Georgia |
February 24, 1859, Page 3 |
Transcribed by: |
DIED, Near Cassville, on the 15th inst., Mrs. ELIZABETH UPSHAW, aged about 35 years, widow of Albert Upshaw, deceased. ******************** March 3, 1859 OBITUARY Mrs. ELIZABETH UPSHAW, widow of the late John A. Upshaw, died at her home in Cass county, Georgia, 13th February, 1859, aged 33 years, after a short but painful illness. She joined the M. E. Church in 1855, and so continued in its communion to her death, humbly adorning her profession by a course which characterizes the Christian. Lizzie was emphatically a good woman, innocent, harmless, kind and benevolent—a devoted mother and affectionate sister; modest, retiring and unassuming in her manners and disposition; was loved most by those who knew her best—but death claimed her for his victim in the noon tide of her life, leaving William, Lou, Jackson, and Hylenia—four interesting dear orphan children to pass through this sinful world without father or mother, to lean upon, as was left their father, aunt and uncle, when they too, were small children. May God, who is all in all, be more to them than they have lost in a dear mother. A short time before she died she asked her aged mother to give her youngest child (Hylenia) to Mr. and Mrs. Price—that they would be to her father and mother. She raised her hands and praised her Lord and Savior—said she was happy, and that she loved everybody. We thank the Lord for this, and in Christian meekness bow to this dispensation of our Heavenly Father and praise His holy name for the assurance that our dear departed sister has exchanged the sufferings of this earth for the joys of Heaven, and may the Lord help us to prepare to meet her there. The Southern Christian Advocate, Atlanta Intelligencer and Democratic Platform please copy. |
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