Lutie Vandivere |
The Courant American |
Cartersville, Georgia |
May 25, 1888, Page 1 |
Transcribed by 2006 |
A Death This Morning. The hearts of our people go out in sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Vandivere over the loss of their little daughter, Lutie, whose death occurred this morning at 7 o’clock. The bereaved ones should be consoled by the fact that all is well with their darling, for the Master of the Universe is too wise to err, too good to be unkind. *************************************** The Courant American In Memoriam. Last Friday morning, the 25th, at 7 o’clock, when the sun in his glory and brightness had bid all darkness flee, and all nature rejoiced in his light, the pall of death was thrown over a once happy home in our midst, and one bright light was extinguished to shine no more on earth. The Angel of Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Vandivere, and claimed their little daughter Lutie as a trophy. But He spent all His power. When He chilled her life’s blood, and spread His pallor over her rosy cheek He could do no more, for though young in years, having not yet reached her seventh year, she had an experience to which many of riper years are strangers. She had “Found a Friend in Jesus,” and to her young heart He was “more then all the world,” as her expressions ever before her sickness proved. She desired to see Him and to be like Him. She was followed to her resting place on Saturday morning by a large number of hers and the family’s friends, and by the members of East End Academy, and the pupils of the Baptist Sunday School, of which she was a favorite. Twas an imposing sight and one long to be remembered, touching and melting stubborn hearts, and bringing tears to many eyes, that was witnessed at the cemetery. The children formed a circle around the coffin, with bouquets in their hands, ready to pay their last tribute of respect to one they loved so well. As the man of God stood there in that city of the dead, surrounded by the graves of those who once full of life, who once rejoiced with those who wept, and pictured to his hearers the uncertainty of death, the necessity of early preparation for a better world and the great danger of delay, many silent prayers doubtless went up to heaven that we might “be also ready, for in such an hour as we think not the Son of Man cometh.” We join Him in His words of comfort and cheer to the stricken parents. Your little girl “is not dead but liveth.” She has only exchanged this world of alternate hopes and fears, pleasure mixed with pain, for one of endless joy and happiness. Your love is more than well supplied by the love of Him who is all love. She no longer needs your tender, watchful care; she is safe within the fold. Think of her not in sorrow, but lift your hearts to God in praise, as you by faith see her in the bosom of her Saviour, and as you see her beckoning you to come, and list to her sweet song as she sings, “Oh loved ones my Saviour may be your Saviour too.” God help you to meet her above, where there is no parting, and where sorrow never comes. – A Friend [A “Tribute to the Memory of Lutie Vandivere from the Baptist Sunday School” is also on page 4.] |
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