News from The Courant American

The Courant American
Cartersville, Georgia
February 11, 1892, page 1
Transcribed by:  

Old Presbyterian Cemetery.

All citizens of Cartersville and vicinity are earnestly requested to meet at the old Presbyterian or Puckett graveyard next Saturday, 13th inst., at 9 o’clock, a m., prepared to clean up and put same in a shape consistent with our duty to the dead. Many of the best citizens of the city and county are buried there. Let us not longer neglect the resting place of their mortal remains.--- Citizen


Page 8,

On the 8th another sorrow came upon us. For a few days friends have noticed something rather strange in the conduct of Mitchell Woolly, son of Capt. A. F. Woolly, and today Judge Hendricks came up and empanelled a jury, and the poor unfortunate youth was adjudged a lunatic, and friends will take him to the asylum. What a grief to his father, brothers and sister. Everybody expresses great sorrow for the unfortunate one and the distressed family. Capt. Woolly is quite sick himself and we extend our sympathies to him also.


Page 8, Other Kingston News.

Mrs. M. G. Gillam’s valuable papers that were stolen were found secreted in the court room last Friday behind some planks.

Mrs. J. M. Davidson and Mrs. Hattie Goldwire’s little babe have been very ill for several weeks.

Clifford Johnson, son of A. A. Johnson, was bitten by a hog a few days since. It was a painful; though not serious wound.



Richard McDow, colored, is now drawing a pension from the United States government.


West Side.

Mr. Alton Putnam wears a broad smile. It’s a girl and she has come to stay.


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770-382-3818 ext. 7353
13 N Wall Street
Cartersville, Georgia 30120

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