News from The Cartersville Express

The Cartersville Express
Cartersville, Georgia
November 27, 1873, Page 3
Transcribed by:  

Bartow Claimants.

One hundred and six citizens of this county have put in claims before the United States Claim Commissioners, at Washington, under the provisions of an act of Congress of May 3, 1871, which guarantees redress to all citizens who remained loyal to the cause and the government of the United States during the war, for stores or supplies taken or furnished during the rebellion for the use of the army of the United States.  These claimants are supposed to have declared upon oath that, from the beginning to the end of the rebellion, their sympathies were constantly with the cause of the United States; that they never, of their own free will and accord, did anything, by word or deed, to injure said cause or retard its success; and that they were at all times ready and willing to aid and assist the cause of the Union, so far as their means and the circumstances permitted.

From which fact, we judge the good old county of Cass (now Bartow) was quite loyal at a time when it was as much as a man’s life was worth to make know such principles.


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770-382-3818 ext. 7353
13 N Wall Street
Cartersville, Georgia 30120

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Georgia GenWeb State Coordinator:  Paula Perkins
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Last modified: February 22, 2007