News from The Cartersville Express

The Cartersville Express
Cartersville, Georgia
December 5, 1879, Page 4
Transcribed by:  

We note as a good point in favor of education, that the little advertisement of Miss Nannie Howard concerning a lost daguerreotype of her father was read by a colored man who found the picture but did not know whose it was, since more than a quarter century had been added to the years, and gray beard to the beardless face of Mr. Howard.  The advertisement, and the ability to read it by the darkey, secured its return.  Still, “it don’t pay to advertise”?


Report of the Finance Committee of the city of Cartersville, Ga., for the year ending December 1st, 1879

Cemetery Lots sold---$55.00


Exemption of Personalty Under the Homestead Act.

Mary A. Anderson, wife of James Anderson; Wm. F. Thomas.


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